
6 steps...

...to designing some very happy inanimate suitcases


Matthew Cruickshank said...

What the?!.....

I like the chocolate coloured one........

gur-B said...

...fuck ?

It was a case of 'we want big bug eyes ! no we don't want bug eyes anymore, we want arms, no ! we want lumps with thumbs'

So, you like the brown one hey

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Yes!- The shape looks useful........

gur-B said...

Y'r at the wrong blog ! this is where you need to be http://crookiesblog.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

those are happy suitcases. What's inside?
Happy new year Gurb!

gur-B said...

Thanks Stef and same to you!
By the looks on their faces, I would say empty

Matt Jones said...

What the ?!!

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Hey Gur-b, look behind you!

That's right, I'm following you!

gur-B said...

don't look back, use your noodle, Y'v been followed by sergeant Mc Poodle ! boo

Uli Meyer said...

Hey Gur-b, see you end of February. Good to see you doing some paid work. How does it feel? Nothing has changed, ey?

gur-B said...

They are so happy, like me

looking frwrd to Feb !

Unknown said...

These are fantastic! I've never been so excited by luggage.

Matt Jones said...

Great new header Gurb!

Oscar Grillo said...

Once I had to draw a happy toilet bowl.

gur-B said...

In Hong Kong you can even eat from one, I prefer just to erm..sit on it ?