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Metin Seven said...


sacha said...

WOW WOW WOW spannend. je fantasie blijft me verrassen. Het ziet eruit als echte beelden klopt dat? en hoe groot zijn ze?

Matt Jones said...

Stunning Gerb. . .the techniques you've discovered using god knows what programmes blow me away. You're doing the most inventive stuff of any of us! It's not just the technique here though- the design of this character is really interesting too.
You inspire me etc. etc.

Matt Jones said...

Fuck, I've just realized it's REAL! I thought it was some 3-D application!
Even more impressive! I clicked on the enlargements & saw all the painted detail-beautiful object. You should really work towards another exhibition Gerb.

Anonymous said...

Gur-B your work completely astounds me!! This is one of my favourites.

Oscar Grillo said...


Because I am malicious I enjoyed yesterday the match between Holland-Brazil...Well done!..

gur-B said...

Thank you for all your supportive feedback !

Jonesie,it's Balsa wood,metal wire, gouache & a Canon, EOS 300D Digital camera,standing tall at 40 cm.

Oscar, I'm sorry about yesterday

Matt Jones said...

U have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands- come to London & animate on COOOOOOOOOOOOKIE CRISP!